Articles & Reviews for Porsche GT Cars

Protecting Your PPF: Understanding Surfactants and Detergents in Car Soaps
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Understanding Car Soap Ingredients and Their Impact on PPF Maintenance

Proper care for your vehicle's paint protection film (PPF) relies on selecting the right car soaps, especially those labeled as pH-neutral and free from harsh detergents. To make informed choices, it’s essential to understand the roles of surfactants and detergents in automotive soaps and their potential effects on PPF.

What Are Surfactants and Detergents?​


  • Definition: Surfactants (short for surface-active agents) are chemical compounds that reduce the surface tension of water, allowing it to spread and penetrate surfaces more effectively.
  • How They Work:
    • Surfactants have two parts: a hydrophilic (water-attracting) head and a hydrophobic (oil-attracting) tail.
    • This dual nature allows surfactants to bind with water on one end and oils, grease, or dirt on the other, helping lift and wash away contaminants.
Driving Gloves: A Practical Review for Everyday Driving
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I aim to present the results upfront for convenience. If you're interested in delving deeper, you can continue reading for background information.


To protect the Alcantara steering wheel on a 2019 GT3 RS, various gloves made from leather and polyester were tested. The leather gloves proved to be well-made and effective in preserving the steering wheel's condition. However, they were not compatible with the Porsche's touchscreen, which can be inconvenient for everyday use.

Drawing from my experience as a former avid mountain biker, I’ve found that biking gloves offer several advantages over leather gloves. They are typically designed with sweat-wicking properties to keep hands cool, are made from lightweight and comfortable materials, and are often machine washable. Additionally, biking gloves are available in a wide range of designs and are generally cost-effective.

While leather gloves offer...
Investigating Aeroacoustics (Buffeting) of a 991.2 GT3 RS
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Conclusions will be presented first to accommodate readers with limited time. For those interested in a deeper dive, the following sections provide background on aeroacoustics and a detailed explanation of the data collection process.


On-road testing effectively identified trends among the evaluated anti-buffeting devices, demonstrating that a commercially available solution, as shown above, successfully reduces interior cabin buffeting in a 2019 Porsche GT3 RS.

To achieve more controlled and precise evaluations, future testing should incorporate wind tunnel experiments and/or computational fluid dynamics (CFD). These methods offer a stable environment and can provide deeper insights into the flow physics affecting the dBA results.

Investigation Overview

  • Exploring ground vehicle aeroacoustics with an emphasis on buffeting mitigation
  • Assess aeroacoustic...
3D Scanning & Reverse Engineering a 992.1 GT3 RS
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Many people underestimate the challenges involved in reverse engineering an entire vehicle. This LinkedIn article offers an insights into the world of 3D scanning and reverse engineering. A must-read for anyone curious about the process!

992.1 GT3 RS 3D Scan & Reverse Engineering

991.2 GT3 RS 3D Scan LinkedIn Hrvoje Maricic v2 Medium.png991.2 GT3 RS 3D Scan LinkedIn Hrvoje Maricic v4 Medium.png: